Ricky Locke
Enter the world of Ricky, "The Magical Mindset Speaker," a man whose career is as vibrant and captivating as his personality.
He’s a professional Speaker, Confidence Coach, NLP Practitioner, award-winning Magician & host of The UNLOCKED podcast.
From the bustling aisles of the UK's biggest retailers to the enchanting magic circle, Ricky's journey is nothing short of extraordinary.
With an extensive background in retail leadership, colleague development & training, over the last 20 years, as well as running multiple businesses, he's been on the front line in one of the UK's biggest retailers; performing, serving, studying and putting to practice a simple formula on how to unlock the best version of ourselves to achieve extraordinary results!
His podcast "UNLOCKED" resonates with thousands all over the world and as one of the coaches of The Confident Club and a recognised NLP Practitioner, Ricky's life changed course with the art of magic, leading him to establish a journey to inspire others to become a better version of themselves.
He now wants to help inspire others to unlock their full potential and live extraordinary lives!